
Tag: bloggaaminen

happy holidays! I have a FREE gift for you…

My regular readers know how crazy my November was. I was totally PEA no, NUTS! I did something childish and FUN! It was great to realize how quickly one month was gone. I have sweet memories and I want   to share them with you. I made a FREE e-book of my   NaBloPoMo November PEAce

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Blog dating 11.11.2009 – welcome! Blogideitit 11.11.2009 – tervetuloa!

Let’s start blog dating! First of all I want to introduce you to my very first commentator, EBRUFIN, a Finnish blogger who lives in Turkey with her family. She writes in Finnish but she’s fluent in English too! Next. My loyal blogger commentators for about a year now. Men first (or a man sorry there’s only one) MYTHOPOLIS This

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blog dating starts tomorrow 11.11.09…get together! huomenna alkaa blogideittailu! 11.11.09

Tomorrow we start blog dating here! I’m going to introduce you to couple of handsome, interesting and successful blog(ger)s and you have to introduce yourselves to the whole dating gang here!Details tomorrow! Are you ready to meet new friends? Huomenna täällä alkaa blogitreffit!Aion esitellä teille muutamia tutustumisen arvoisia, mielenkiintoisia ja menestyneitä blogituntemattomia (ainakin osalle teistä.)Teidän tehtävänne

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