greetings from Paris part 1.


Next couple of weeks I’ll post more Paris images…
This post is just pure, hard stuff! 🙂


BLOGitse in Paris May 2014



BLOGitse in Paris May 2014 (2)



BLOGitse in Paris May 2014 (3)



BLOGitse in Paris May 2014 (4)



BLOGitse in Paris May 2014 (5)



We walked a lot. It was amazing that there was no pushing,

people were polite and it was a pleasure

to walk even if there were a lot of people!


Metro was great way to move longer distances.



The Centre Pompidou was huge but not so beautiful…or what do you think?


The Centre Pompidou by BLOGitse



The Centre Pompidou by BLOGitse (2)



The Centre Pompidou by BLOGitse (3)



But there were more than enough shadows!


Pompidou shadows by BLOGitse



Shadow Shot Sunday2



Sundays In My City



Have a relaxing weekend!


16 thoughts on “greetings from Paris part 1.”

  1. Oh My! Such beautiful old architecture. The Centre Pompidou does not hold the same beauty but you are right it provides for many amazing shadows.
    Have a great week!

  2. I wanted to hate Paris but I couldn’t. I love it. I just do *sigh.* The Pompidou, however, I visited 22 years ago and I agree, I was simply not impressed. Looking forward to more of your Paris pics.

  3. Such grand and beautiful building facades in the first photos. Love the wrought iron detail on the curved balcony. However I’m not sure about the glassy Centre Pompidou. Somehow I think of construction and scaffolding. Maybe as an arts centre, that is the idea – that it should look as if it is evolving.

  4. Paris is stunning in its true olde world charm and stone streets – with lovely architecture and wonderful cuisine. The Pompidou is modern but not so stylish, looking more like an oil refinery. I guess that the old styles inside the Boulevard PĂ©riphĂ©rique are much classier in looks. Patti and our daughter have been to Paris twice, so I hope to get my wheelchair over there someday…

    • Viivat ja kulmat on kivoja mutta sisältä keskus on jotenkin kulahtanut ja kylmä.
      Tämä oli ensimmäinen Pariisin matkani eikä kaupunki aiheuttanut minulle mitään kicksejä…on historiaa ja kaunista mutta niin on monessa muussakin kaupungissa…kallista. Kahviloissa tuolit ja pöydät nuolee toisiaan ettei ainakaan minun reviiritarpeeni täyttynyt. Mutta hyvä reissu oli ja voisin mennä toistekin!

  5. Oooh, Pariisi! Kerran kävelin siellä viikossa 160 kilsaa, en raskinut mennä edes metrolla. Kun alkoi väsyttää, pariksi tunniksi esim leffateatteriin tai kahville.

    Pompidou-keskus on mielestäni kaunis, se on niin valokuvauksellinen moninen viivoineen ja kylmineen.



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