autumn leaves


weekend photos



These leaves are only memories…gone with the wind.

We’ve got first snow in Northern Finland, here in Helsinki it’s raining right now.


autumn leaves by BLOGitse



Soon the worst season of the year is here – so we need COLORS in our lives!!!!


autumn leaves by BLOGitse



autumn leaves by BLOGitse



autumn leaves by BLOGitse



autumn leaves by BLOGitse



autumn leaves by BLOGitse



Shadow Shot Sunday2



Sundays In My City



Have a relaxing weekend!




22 thoughts on “autumn leaves”

  1. I love the pictures. It’s as if God shouts, I want to celebrate the fall and harvest with you. Keep the faith, he says, during the cold, dark times. Beautiful.

  2. Stockholm, rains, sunshine, warm, frozen, just name it. But still Love the Autumn ambiance.

    Hope the snow wait awhile as we have a very long winter and cold months.

    Happy Sunday.
    /CC girl

  3. I can imagine that long cold winter grows a bit tiresome but you can always look back at these beautiful colorful photographs on those snowy days.

    My Shadow Shot Sunday 2 is of a rather dry and dusty Jaipur pig!!!

  4. the black and white always makes a statement. but so true the monochromatic is coming…so bring on the color. you have captured it here well. have a fantastic week ahead!!!


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