The Khan el-Khalili bazaar, Cairo, Egypt part 3.

The Khan el-Khalili bazaar, Cairo, Egypt part 3.

Part 1. here  and part 2. here

Info about the bazaar in Wikipedia
Hello world!

Do you like bazaars?
Where is your favourite bazaar?

Your first visit here?
You might think why the hell I’ve put those annoying watermarks on top of the pictures. 
Because an online news site misused one of my pictures.
If you’re interested to get any of my pictures without watermarks please ask!
email: toblogitse at gmail com

0 thoughts on “The Khan el-Khalili bazaar, Cairo, Egypt part 3.”

    I’m like that, stop. left. right. walk. stop right. walk. stop left…
    So it takes a long time to get from place x to y because I have to click all the time! 🙂

    Oh, you made my day!
    I’ve read too much Susie’s blog and other sources and it makes me sick that some MEN think they are like gods.
    We do need rules otherwise this globe would be even more in chaos but there should be limits what human beings can use as weapons under religion’s name.

    Egyptian people are really friendly and nice.
    They are so happy when I say couple of words in Arabic! 🙂

    ‘Everyone in their car’ – and people go to gym but don’t want to walk!!!
    I’ve always liked bazaars, markets, back alleys…

  2. Oh Wow, what a wonderful series of photos from such an exotic location. Looks like a great place just to walk around and soak up the ambiance. That’s one thing we have very little of in the Inland Empire of southern California, and that is Street Life. Everyone is in their car intent on getting somewhere but not enjoying the journey. I love the way the people are so happy, waving, smiling. Excellent post!

  3. “No human being should be in any god’s position”. Blogiste

    This is one of those comments that is immediately recognized as the quintessential summation of an opinion. It should be published and put on bumper stickers! Obviously, I agree.

    I came across your blog while commenting on Susie’s and am already such a fan. What stunning photo essays! The little boy in “Hello World” is the most huggable child, isn’t he?

    Thank you so much for sharing your world in such an elegant way.

  4. I’d love to stroll around this place some day! Lots of things that attract attention – I’d go crazy shooting photos left and right! :o)
    I love the headpiece of the woman in the last photo, by the way.

    Kyseisessa bazaarissa suurin osa tavarasta on kiinalaista! Mietin vaan etta onko teilla myytava oikeasti egyptilaista vaan onko niissa vaan takalaiset leimat/latkat/tarrat tms.?

    Paikalliset ovat aidosti ystavallisia ja mukavia mutta minun taytyy aina tehda aloite.
    Kun joku huomaa kameran ihmiset tyrkyttavat jopa itseaan kuvattavaksi! 🙂

    Isn’t it fascinating to explore ‘other worlds’… 🙂

    Juuripa. Kavi hyva saka!

    3 viikkoa kuulostaa mielenkiintoiselta…Selvisi ilmeisesti ilman vatsatautia, hienoa!
    Tuliaiset on kivoja yllareita…

    I’m happy if you enjoy ‘other worlds’ too!
    Thanks for your visit!

    thanks, happy to see you here!

    Aloha, friend! 🙂

    En koskaan kuvaa ihmisia ilman lupaa.
    Monta kertaa ihmiset tyrkyttavat itseaan kuvattaviksi – tosi mukavaa vaikken tiedakaan mika heidan motiivinsa on! 🙂

    Is the new stuff made in China?
    Most of the stuff here is made in China…sad…but people don’t pay attention where things are made…

  6. Those shots are awesome.
    Loved the first one and the mosque tower especially.
    I love Bazars.
    The ones in Korea were great and so were the ones in Kuwait.
    The old market down here is just too much new stuff.

  7. Kiitos basaarikierroksesta. Ennen matkaamme Egyptiin meità varoitettiin ihmisten kuvaamisesta. Eivàt kuulemma tykkàà. Mutta huomasin asian olevan juuri pàin vastoin. Hymy oli herkàssà, kuten sinunkin kuvissasi.

  8. I love stopping by your blog. You’ve always got fantastic photos that transport me to another world. These photos were great! I especially love the photos of the people at the bazaar. You can really see that they enjoyed being part of your shots. Great job!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love having you over!

    Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
    @Tweeting Mama

  9. Kiva nähdä basaaarikuvia.Ystäväni Mary tuli juuri takaisin 3 viikon kierrosmatkalta Egyptistä,ja oli ollut tyytyväinen.Sain huivinkin lahjaksi,oliskohan ollut basaarista hankittu…..

  10. Aurinko, lämpö ja kuvaaja on saanut ihmiset hymyilemään iloisesti.
    Täällä kaikki kulkevat naamat umpijäässä = )

    Kiitos lämmittävästä kierroksesta!


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