Giza Necropolis, Cairo, Egypt

Welcome to Giza Necropolis!
jihaaaa camel ride!

 The Khufu ship is an intact full-size vessel from Ancient Egypt that was sealed into a pit in the Giza pyramid complex at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2,500 BC.
The ship was almost certainly built for Khufu (King Cheops),
the second pharaoh of the 
Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom of Egypt.
(there’re so many pits that I’m not 100% sure if this Khufu ship’s pit 
but you get the idea how big those ships were from this picture)

do you see it, a camel having a lunch break!

All around the area there’re locals trying to sell you…
camel ride, souvenirs…

human inorganic poop…

human inorganic poop…

organic camel poop…

Great Pyramid of Giza a tourist trap? No!

You see that area next to the mass of people – 
that’s where people sit in the evenings and watch 

Now you can see the jewel…

more pictures BLOGitsePHOTOS

0 thoughts on “Giza Necropolis, Cairo, Egypt”

  1. Caroline
    when you live here it doesn’t feel that special…
    I guess we don’t get that excited about things in our own countries, cities as we do when we go to new places for a holiday etc.

    It was great to have you with me! 🙂

    I know you do! I still remember the new word I learned today… 🙂

    poopy poop!
    We went early morning too but it was a bit hazy…and lot of people but okay to move around.
    I know the restaurant but never been there. Can’t remember the name neither… 🙂

    niin taitaa pyoritella ja sitten siella on faaraomuurahaisia (loytyy googlettamalla).
    Niilla on pitkat jalat, siita ne erottaa normimurkuista 🙂

  2. Hienoa nähdä suuret asiat, eli pyramidit, ja myös kaikki se pieni asia mikä pörräilee siinä ympärillä. Eikös sillä poopilla ole siellä monenlaisia perinteitä. Jo muinaiset koppakuoriaset sitä pyörittelivät…ja taitavat pyöritellä edelleen.

  3. poop, poop and more poop. Haha ha

    We found the best time to take visitors to Giza was early on Friday morning.. especially in winter.. it is cool, but hardly anybody around.

    Also, just before I left, we went to a restaurant in Giza that has a rooftop terrace… and an excellent (free) view of the light shows (and you can drink a beer too). Let me know if you are interested and I will try to find out the name for you.

  4. Christine
    You feel very small standing next to those huge miracles…
    I love sharing! 🙂

    nope. This was my second time.
    Don’t worry – you have beautiful photos NOW!
    They’re great!

    pooooo no, muumuu! 🙂 It’s sad…I’ll show more later…real stuff!

    jihaaaa! Camel ride rocks!

    There’re many of them but I guess, don’t know, that this one is one of the biggest…
    If you want to go around with a guide he/she should be good.
    But you can always half follow groups. You can hear bits and pieces and get the idea. 🙂

    and you have some Egyptian coins even if you haven’t visited here… 🙂

    They are huge! I can’t imagine how those men were able to build them…

    The Rambler
    Slaves and slaves. Those men who are working in coal mines in China, they are not slaves but what kind of conditions they have…sigh!
    But in those days Egyptians were clever.
    Today. hm…they really don’t take care of things that well…which is sad…

    Keats The Sunshine Girl
    Let me know when you come – I’m your guide! 🙂

    Meita ei talla kertaa pahemmin kiusattu. Osaamme just sen verran paikallisella sanoa ei ja haivy. Ja meista ilmeisesti nakee, etta olemme kayneet siella aiemminkin. Mieheni varmaan 5 kertaa…

    Don’t be jealous – come with me! 🙂

    We’ve traveled a lot. Traveling is great but it’s also nice just to be. But not too long. 🙂

  5. Kiitos, kiitos! Emme pààsseet katsomaan tuota valoshowta, mutta muutama tunti alueella viivahdettiin. Olihan siellà ihan WC-vaunukin pyòrillà. En vaan tiedà, kuinka moni sinne meni oloaan helpottamaan. Toisten mennessà oppaan kanssa pyramidiin sisàlle, jàin ulos polvet sàrkyvinà. Ainoa kerta jolloin suutuin kaupustelijalle. Ei jàttànyt millààn rauhaan vain maisemaa ihailemaan. Meillà oli muuten tosi ammattimainen opas koko viikon ajan. Kerta kaikkiaan huippu. Niinkuin tàmà blogisikin.

  6. Wow…amazing photos. (Well, not the inoragnic human poop.)

    And I was just reading an article on Khufu and how they say they believe the pyramids were not built by slaves but more workers who wanted to build a nation. Very interesting article. It’s cool to know your there!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Thanks for the camel ride. I actually enjoy riding camels, once sat for whole two hours on one, and it was great.
    These views are so magnificent.

    Egypt is one huge outdoor museum.

  8. Do you visit the pyramids often?
    I was there a long long time ago, the year must have been 1985. We were students and stayed in Cairo for 1 week, and another week in a ship sailing down the river to Luxor. I realized afterwards how many ancient things we really saw. It is a pity the cameras were not digital those days, I don’t have many nice photos. But I do have one of myself riding a camel 😉

  9. KIITOS SIROKKO! En tieda mika oli mennyt pieleen…Nyt pitaisi toimia!!!
    Olet ihana kun kerroit. Kiitos!

    Jatteista ei paase eroon…siivoojat? jos on niin kukaan ei itse tee mitaan mita pomo ei kaske.
    Itseohjautuvuus (LOL!) on taalla tuntematon kasite!
    Kaipa siella on joku kiertava roskapartio aamuisin ennen kuin uusi massa valuu sisaan…tai siis alueelle 🙂

  10. The Great Sphinx is really GREAT! Jätteistä ei pääse eroon, voin kuvitella tuommoinen määrä ihmisiä jatkuvasti, ihme kun pyramidit eivät ole peittyneet.. no kai siellä on siivoojat.
    Linkit ei muuten toimineet pyramidikuviin..


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